Highly Recommend!

Below is a ‘mostly’ complete list of resources that have shaped my thinking in regards to nutrition and fitness over the last three years. In no particular order. I have been a life-long researcher of the best way to nourish myself, as well as my family.  While I do not wholly follow any one of the following books, they have greatly contributed to what I believe now.

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It Starts with Food was instrumental in me taking GREAT strides to a healthier lifestyle as well as a healthy relationship with food. I followed the guidelines in the book for the better part of a year. I found incredible benefits on many levels.

The works of Dr. Phinney and Dr. Volek have been instrumental in my understanding of how the body works and how best to fuel it. They are both brilliant men with years of experience in the world of low carb.  Dr. Phinney has even personally responded to my questions in an email, which I find incredibly gracious.

Trim Healthy Mama helped me understand how to separate fuels and brought a tremendous amount of balance to my life.

I gleaned a lot from Jason Seib’s “Paleo Coach”. I appreciated his no-nonsense comprehensive approach to health.

Mark Sisson has a easy to understand and follow plan for incorporating whole, real foods and very functional movement in one’s life. Obviously from a evolutionary standpoint, but I easily looked past this and paid that no mind.

I highly respect Dr. Wahls. She is a brilliant doctor who healed herself of MS using a nutrient dense diet. I am continually challenged to always be working towards a more nutrient dense diet. If you are interested, I would highly recommend looking her TedTalk up. “Minding our Mitochondria” Beyond brilliant!

The Blood Code is a very good ‘layman’s guide to the proper blood work to ask your doctor for. He also provides you knowledge on how to read your blood tests. Very useful!

I learned a great deal from the book, Body by Science. Incredible resource!

The workout and nutrition plan laid out in Dr. Volek’s, TNT Diet is very thorough and easy to follow. I still refer to this book

Honestly, Foundation Training has undoubtedly had the biggest impact on my physical strength and well being. I have suffered from various back issue, as you can imagine, with weight issues and nine pregnancies. I believe this should actually be EVERYONE’s first step into strengthening their body. I will use this with my clients!

I love ALL of Bret Contreras’ work! He has been instrumental in what I know about strength training. This book is an AMAZING resource. Incredibly clear and concise information for all levels.

Incredible resource for bodyweight strength training. You really could achieve a very high level of fitness from the comfort of your own home with this book and some motivation!

3 Comments on Highly Recommend!

  1. LeAnn Sharpe
    February 1, 2015 at 12:50 am (10 years ago)

    Thank you for this list of recommended reads!

  2. Joni Rosin
    July 24, 2015 at 1:12 am (9 years ago)

    Looks like a great list! I will start at the library :]


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