July 2015 archive

Transformation Tuesday

This will be my very first Transformation Tuesday!

There has been so much ‘transformation’ in my health over the past three years. Today, I am only going to share from one year ago.

July 2014

Blood Work: (just a few of the basics, so as to not bore you)

Insulin: 14 (has been for years, and regardless of diet changes I could NOT budge this number.) If you know anything about insulin, you know it is a fat storing hormone. When insulin is high, fat is stored, not lost.

Liver enzymes:

AST: 26, ALT 25  (in the ‘normal’ range, but certainly NOT optimal)

Triglycerides: 79 (not horrible, but not optimal)

Picture of me last August 5, my 48th birthday.


July 2015

Insulin: 5.7!!!!! Just so you know, this is INCREDIBLE!


Triglycerides: 49 (Very much, optimal)

Inflammation in my body: pretty much ZILCH ;-)

Picture of me, just shy of my 49th birthday.


As you can see, not only is there a big difference on the outside, but even more so on the INSIDE!! Physically AND spiritually and emotionally! This has NEVER been about getting ‘skinny’, but about optimal health!!

God has done an amazing work in the past year. Yes, I put in the time and effort, but HE is the one who gives the passion, drive and ability!! I am in awe of how He has answered my prayers over the years. Not always on my timetable, but always, always answers. And what a gift to see so many of my ‘dreams’ realized in this year, 2015, the year of DREAMS, for me. Just a few of the accomplishments . . . this website and Facebook page, being one.

Becoming a Certified Fitness Instructor

personal trainer

Setting PRs in Deadlift, and Hip Thrusts, and Bench Press

Starting Boot Camps for women

Speaking on all things nutrition and fitness to local groups and churches.

Coaching and teaching women daily!

Finding out on a deeper level who God made me to be . . . and embracing and loving it!


Falling in love with cycling!

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Teaching my family about fitness, lifting, flipping tires, cycling with all of them.

gym with Luke

So many amazing changes!! And we’re not done yet!!!



Favorite Workout Bands

These are, by far, my favorite, at home, workout bands! I have tried several brands and love these! Actually, I take them to the gym with me too!

There is almost no end to what you can do with them. They are great for those who have no weights at home, have problems gripping weights, for those who want added resistance to their existing workouts. They are for the beginner AND advanced exercise enthusiast.

I would suggest the light and medium for beginner and the medium and heavy for more intermediate or advanced person.

Here are some awesome exercises you can do.


Oodles of Zoodles!

It is no secret, I love food! I love to create delicious, nutritious meals. With my goals always in mind, pasta is not on the menu for me. I have never been a fan of spaghetti squash as a substitute, too sweet, I think. Kind of evokes the gag factor in me. Not a huge squash fan either, maybe that’s it.

About a year and a half ago, I bought this spiralizer.


I absolutely LOVE it! I use it all the time. I have made soups, pad thai, spicy zoodles and eggs, spaghetti, carbonara, you name it, you can make it with zoodles. Oh, I made up the word zoodles, maybe someone else coined it first, but I can tell you, Microsoft Word does not know I made it a word, as is evidenced by the red squiggly line under it each time I type. They’ll catch up. ;-) Zuchinni + noodles= ‘zoodles’ See?

Here are just a few of the zoodles I have made.


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I have read reviews of other ‘zoodle’ makers and personally feel I made a great choice in the Paderno World Cuisine Spiralizer.  I am an affiliate for Amazon and do receive a teensy bit of kickback if you order through my link and I would be ever so blessed if you did so. ;-)

SO many recipes on Pinterest. I will link a few websites that I have pulled from.

You could get lost for DAYS on this website.
