January 2015 archive

Veggies For Breakfast? YES!

Fried or scrambled eggs can get boring, well, not for me, but maybe for some.

This would be an awesome and tasty alternative.


Veggies for breakfast? Oh, yeah, if you hide them well enough. Try as I might, I have a hard time eating vegetables for breakfast. Not so the case with this dish!  Over 40 grams of protein and four of your servings of vegetables for the day. Awesome way to start the day.  This would also be a great way to use your Roasted Vegetables that you have waiting for you in the fridge. Quick and easy.

I’ll have to share Brian’s version next time, it’s even better than mine. Shhh, don’t tell him.


Too Busy For Protein?

I hear it often, ‘I just don’t have time to cook up some protein for every meal’. I get it, I really do, but it is so much easier than you think.

One ‘fit food’ tip is to USE YOUR CROCKPOT.  So easy to fix it and forget, just a few minutes of prep and a few hours of unattended cooking and you have an amazing, moist and tender protein.

In this instance, Rotisserie Style Chicken.  I always cook two or three whole organic chickens. (keep in mind we have a large family) You should cook at least two. One for your meal that evening and one for your protein portions for the week.


As you can see, they are literally falling apart, they are so tender.


I had no problem breaking them apart into parts.


I served mine with a large salad with lots of my favorite store bought Ranch dressing that I made ‘healthier’ by ‘cutting’ it with Greek yogurt. Another ‘fit food’ tip. While store bought dressings usually have unhealthy fats, sometimes I need the convenience. They are usually super strong in taste, so I add up to equal amounts of Greek Yogurt to sort of help the nutrition level a bit.  The family had their chicken with mashed potato, gravy and a salad. Mashed potatoes are perfectly fine for growing children, but not always so figure-friendly for all mamas.


We purchase whole organic chickens from Costco for a pretty good price. Always do the best YOU can do in your food purchases and never let anyone condemn you for those choices.  If we could not afford the Costco chicken, there is NO shame in buying non-organic. We serve a big and powerful God. Do your best and leave the rest to Him.

Watch for whole chicken to be on sale. You can make the most incredible homemade stock from the bones! You will have dinner, several protein portions for the week and delicious stock! Now that’s stretching the dollar!

There is no excuse not to have protein prepared for your meals for the week. This is incredibly easy, you can do this!

You are SO worth it!


Good, Better, Best

One thing I find incredibly disheartening in the health community is the condemnation, judgment and superiority people heap on others for their food choices. I hope to never do that.

My encouragement is for you is to be informed and choose the best you can in the season you are in.

There was a time I made all my own yogurt, sour cream, crème fraiche, kombucha, sourdough bread, etc. Also, we only at grass-fed, locally raised beef and chicken, organic produce, grains and beans.

While that may seem ‘ideal’, if it becomes bondage or one relies on their ‘righteous’ choices instead of relying on God, food has become an idol.  There was a time in my life that I believe I was there, food and my ‘superior’ choices became an idol. It wasn’t until I became very ill and nothing I did with my food choices changed the situation, that I sensed perhaps there was more to health than just diet.

I still whole-heartedly believe in making wise choices with our food, but we must also balance it from a place of faith and trust in God.

I say it often. God knew exactly when I would be born. He knew exactly the amount of pesticides in the food, the amount of GMO products on the market, the poorly raised animals, etc. I do not think He is in the least bit surprised by the state of the world that I live in. Nor is He surprised by our financial situation.  If our health and well being depending entirely on the quality of food we have access to, well, I’m afraid we would be doomed. We must rely on Him.

So, for the busy mama who can barely make ends meet, do the best you can. Buy the best store bought sour cream you can. Just buy a brand like Daisy, that has one ingredient. But wait, if money is super tight this month and Spartan brand sour cream is on sale, BUY it!

To the woman who works and chases her kids to soccer practice, guess wha,t grabbing an already cooked rotisserie chicken from Costco is not going to be the undoing of your health or that of your family.

If you can afford organic, grass-fed, locally raised beef, by all means, feed it to your family. But do so from a heart of gratitude and knowing while it is awesome that you can do that, it is in HIM we live and move and have our being.

My point is, I am more concerned with you getting in the proper amounts of protein, fats and carbs, in their most natural state, than I am the quality of each and every food choice. I am not saying that you should put junk in your body, there is no good, better, best Doritios and Coke, sorry, not going to support you in that one. ;-)

Eat real food, as close to the way God made it as you can and with as few of ingredients as you can afford. No condemnation, No judgment. We are all growing and learning on this journey.

Disclaimer: I cannot support you in a diet filled with non-real food, aka junk food. Chips, pop, cookies, boxed macaroni and cheese, rice a roni, etc. These, my friends, are not ‘real food’. Let me help you move more towards a diet of real food, it really is easy.  And remember,

You are so worth it.
