Hope For Health and Fitness Seminars

  We just finished the first series of Hope for Health and Fitness Seminars 2016!  They were well attended and very well received!! We are kicking off a new series beginning February 20, 2016

Hope for Health and Fitness INTRODUCTORY Seminar $ 40
The Introductory Seminar will be approximately 3 hours and will include a general overview of low carb/ketogenic living, my journey with health, how physical fitness plays a role in health, the history of nutrition and why the way we are eating is not working. We will touch upon how diet plays a role in diabetes, metabolic syndrome, weight gain, inability to lose weight, high blood pressure etc. Why low calorie diets don’t work. Includes a full protein based meal and dessert.  So come hungry!

Come be inspired and begin taking care of YOU!
 If you have a Paypal account, please “SEND” me the $20 using this email address, bgrzy@earthlink.net. OR, go through the “Donate” button to pay your non-refundable deposit of $20 to reserve your spot. The remainder of the balance will be paid at the workshop. You do not need a Paypal account to pay with this method. It is simply a credit card transaction. If you would prefer to send a check, please contact me with your intention so I can secure your spot.

If the weather is poor, I will cancel and REFUND your money! If I need to cancel for any reason, I will REFUND your deposit. The non-refundable deposit it to secure your seat and cover the cost of the food and prep should you not come. ;-)



How to ‘stay the course’ or ‘stay on plan’ or ‘feel good after the holidays’

The holiday season can be so hard for many trying to eat well and feel good. Guilt, which I believe should never be associated with food in anyway, often follows a holiday binge. And often, one slightly less than stellar meal turns into a rotten day, turns into a weekend binge, turns into, ‘I’ll just wait til after the first of the year’. You’ve been there, haven’t you?

Here are some tips to help you get through these next few weeks and not increase your waistline, not feel awful from the blood sugar rush and not have your head hanging in shame by January 1st. (keep in mind, choices with food should never induce feelings of guilt or shame, but that’s another story!)

Purpose to do your best making healthy and wise choices. Actually believe you can make it through the next two weeks relatively unscathed. Believe in yourself and believe that God’s grace is sufficient to keep you!

Now that you have decided you are going to give it your all, make a plan. Have a vision. Where there is no vision . . . well, these versions are quite cool. (Pr. 29:18)

Without revelation (vision, plan) people run wild . . .

Where there is not vision, the people are unrestrained . . .

Where there is no vision, the people perish . . .

You must have some sort of ‘plan’ in place or you will go the way of your flesh every time. At least with a plan, you have options. You may not always choose best, but at least you have options. Sometimes I can totally ‘man up’ and not eat off plan, sometimes it is torture. Sometimes I just don’t want the battle. When you eat well 99% of the time there is nothing wrong with having a plan and removing most of the need to resist.

Always, always go into your party or gathering well hydrated.

Never go hungry. I would rather go into the lion’s den pretty satisfied and risk going way over on calories than show up starved. Starved and temptation do NOT play well together. Even if you can resist, you probably will not be happy about it. Eat a high protein snack/meal before you go, even if there will be a full dinner. That way, you can pick and choose and not really need a lot to eat. If you know there is going to be plenty of protein for dinner, as in, ham, meatballs, turkey, etc, still eat something before you go. Trust me, it helps with resolve.

While there, load you plate with PROTEIN! Any you can get your hands on. Don’t worry about the fat, just stay away from the carbs and EAT PROTEIN. Protein is very satiating and even if you ‘cave’ later with dessert you won’t be able to eat as much.

If you are unsure of what is being served, bring a huge protein based salad or dish to pass. Something you love and can eat your fill of. Or, bring a huge salad or veg type dish to pass and fill your plate with that and take samples of whatever else is served. You will have already had your fill of protein before you go and the salad or veg will take up some serious space in your belly.

Bring a cheese and meat platter to pass and munch on this during appetizer time. Bring a delicious creamy and cheesy low carb dip with veggie sticks. Pepperoni chips with dip is also a great option.

Okay, now it is dessert time. The table is filled with various desserts, pies, cookies, brownies, etc. Now what? Well, first of all, know that it is all garbage to your body, no matter how much love was put into it. No matter how many memories you have with this particular dessert. That helps a bit, until you get real close, then, often, emotions take over and before you even know it you have stuffed three of your favorite cookies in your mouth and you don’t even remember it happening. ;-)

One thing I ALWAYS do is bring my own dessert. I have accumulated several beyond fantastic sugar-free, low carb desserts that I LOVE, not just like, but LOVE. Many I would even rather have over a sugar laden dessert any day of the week. So, make something special and bring it and eat all you want of it, especially if it keeps your face out of the pie, or cake or éclair.

You will NOT feel deprived should you choose to not imbibe in the desserts. Now, here is where you can make a grown up decision. I am not so legalistic to say that one should never, ever eat Grandma’s Banket that she makes once a year and has since before you were born. Depending on where you are with your relationship with food, you could choose to have a piece, or you could decide not to. You are grown up, you can make these choices. YOU have power over food, not the other way around. There most definitely is a time to just enjoy what is before, knowing there may be some consequences, but you have counted the cost and made a decision.

Here’s the cool thing, though, your ‘sweet tooth’ has been satisfied by your own special dessert that you likely will only eat a little bit of your beloved treat. If you have not had something you love, you are liable to be very, very crabby in resisting and feeling so deprived, OR, you will simple enjoy a few bites and have no real ramifications from the slight indulgence. YOU can choose!!

Remember, while food seems to be so central to our culture, and not even for the food and traditions sake anymore, but mass volumes of garbage, often times, simply to have MORE, it is the people you are with that are of utmost importance. You really can enjoy the people and the food be just something you share. Plan to make it about who you are with and how you can love them and serve them versus being the first in line for what you have been waiting for since last Christmas. It’s just food.

After the party? Do NOT feel like you ‘blew it’ no matter what you ate and do NOT let it derail you for the rest of the day or weekend or rest of the year. Even one horrendously off plan meal will NOT make you fat, thwart your health goals or make you a bad person. Now, several meals turned into weeks will put a serious damper on your goals, but not one meal! Keep it to that one meal or that one treat. Wake up the next day, make yourself a bit plate of bacon and eggs and move on. Period. Do not try to undo, punish yourself or feel guilty. Move and eat well!! Go for a walk if it will make you feel better, but pity’s sake, just move on and eat well.

Treat yourself like someone you love. Take care of you, you are worth it. You deserve to be free, to be healthy, and to make wise choices. And, it is perfectly fine to enjoy a treat, you hold the power on whether that treat turns into an all-out binge with ensuing guilt and condemnation, bloating, water gain, and blood sugar crashes or it is just one meal in time with not a lot of ramifications. YOU get to choose. Realize that. It’s powerful to know that you do NOT have to succumb to weeks of eating poorly.

stay on plan



Hope For Health and Fitness Seminars: Introductory Workshop

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The Introductory Workshop will be approximately 3 hours and will include a general overview of low carb/ketogenic living, my journey with health, how physical fitness plays a role in health, history of nutrition and why what we are doing it is not working. We will touch upon how diet plays a role in diabetes, metabolic syndrome, weight gain, inability to lose weight, high blood pressure etc. Why low calorie diets don’t work. What are protein, carbs and fat. Basically an ‘introduction’ to more in depth topics that would eventually be their own workshops, such as:

Protein is King (proper protein levels)

Living Sugar Free

Meal timing and Insulin

Benefits of Fasting

Resistance Training

Importance of Sleep and Stress Management

What are Macros and How Do I Track Them?

Shopping Trip with Lists!

Menu Planning

Also included will be a FULL MEAL (with proper protein and low carbs) and a delicious dessert as well as some chocolate treats! (Because who doesn’t love chocolate??) SO COME HUNGRY!! I am not even kidding, you will be fed WELL!

There will be time for questions throughout and afterward. You will leave with a basic understanding of where we have been with nutrition and what is actually Optimal for health.

I only have room for 10 people in each session for the Introductory Workshop. (I also need at least 5 people to have the workshop) The dates are January 2 OR January 9, 2016.

Please click on the PayPal button to the right to pay your non-refundable deposit of $20 to reserve your spot. If there is a spot to leave a message when you pay, please let me know the date you are choosing. (January 2 or January 9) The remainder of the balance will be paid at the workshop. If the weather is poor, I will cancel and REFUND your money! If I need to cancel for any reason, I will REFUND your deposit. The non-refundable deposit it to secure your seat and cover the cost of the food and prep should you not come. ;-)

Because I feel it is EXTREMELY important for a husband and wife to be on the same page, if your husband (or wife) seriously wants to come with you and you are not dragging them, message me about a special price for MARRIED couples who attend together. I never want my workshops to be cost prohibitive.

If you have any questions, please feel free to message me through FB or email me at



Transformation Tuesday

This will be my very first Transformation Tuesday!

There has been so much ‘transformation’ in my health over the past three years. Today, I am only going to share from one year ago.

July 2014

Blood Work: (just a few of the basics, so as to not bore you)

Insulin: 14 (has been for years, and regardless of diet changes I could NOT budge this number.) If you know anything about insulin, you know it is a fat storing hormone. When insulin is high, fat is stored, not lost.

Liver enzymes:

AST: 26, ALT 25  (in the ‘normal’ range, but certainly NOT optimal)

Triglycerides: 79 (not horrible, but not optimal)

Picture of me last August 5, my 48th birthday.


July 2015

Insulin: 5.7!!!!! Just so you know, this is INCREDIBLE!


Triglycerides: 49 (Very much, optimal)

Inflammation in my body: pretty much ZILCH ;-)

Picture of me, just shy of my 49th birthday.


As you can see, not only is there a big difference on the outside, but even more so on the INSIDE!! Physically AND spiritually and emotionally! This has NEVER been about getting ‘skinny’, but about optimal health!!

God has done an amazing work in the past year. Yes, I put in the time and effort, but HE is the one who gives the passion, drive and ability!! I am in awe of how He has answered my prayers over the years. Not always on my timetable, but always, always answers. And what a gift to see so many of my ‘dreams’ realized in this year, 2015, the year of DREAMS, for me. Just a few of the accomplishments . . . this website and Facebook page, being one.

Becoming a Certified Fitness Instructor

personal trainer

Setting PRs in Deadlift, and Hip Thrusts, and Bench Press

Starting Boot Camps for women

Speaking on all things nutrition and fitness to local groups and churches.

Coaching and teaching women daily!

Finding out on a deeper level who God made me to be . . . and embracing and loving it!


Falling in love with cycling!

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Teaching my family about fitness, lifting, flipping tires, cycling with all of them.

gym with Luke

So many amazing changes!! And we’re not done yet!!!



Favorite Workout Bands

These are, by far, my favorite, at home, workout bands! I have tried several brands and love these! Actually, I take them to the gym with me too!

There is almost no end to what you can do with them. They are great for those who have no weights at home, have problems gripping weights, for those who want added resistance to their existing workouts. They are for the beginner AND advanced exercise enthusiast.

I would suggest the light and medium for beginner and the medium and heavy for more intermediate or advanced person.

Here are some awesome exercises you can do.


Oodles of Zoodles!

It is no secret, I love food! I love to create delicious, nutritious meals. With my goals always in mind, pasta is not on the menu for me. I have never been a fan of spaghetti squash as a substitute, too sweet, I think. Kind of evokes the gag factor in me. Not a huge squash fan either, maybe that’s it.

About a year and a half ago, I bought this spiralizer.


I absolutely LOVE it! I use it all the time. I have made soups, pad thai, spicy zoodles and eggs, spaghetti, carbonara, you name it, you can make it with zoodles. Oh, I made up the word zoodles, maybe someone else coined it first, but I can tell you, Microsoft Word does not know I made it a word, as is evidenced by the red squiggly line under it each time I type. They’ll catch up. ;-) Zuchinni + noodles= ‘zoodles’ See?

Here are just a few of the zoodles I have made.


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I have read reviews of other ‘zoodle’ makers and personally feel I made a great choice in the Paderno World Cuisine Spiralizer.  I am an affiliate for Amazon and do receive a teensy bit of kickback if you order through my link and I would be ever so blessed if you did so. ;-)

SO many recipes on Pinterest. I will link a few websites that I have pulled from.

You could get lost for DAYS on this website.




Protein “Pudding”

Here is how I make my Protein “Pudding”, that’s just what I call it and trust me, it is NOT original. I make it either with Fage 0% Greek Yogurt or Cottage Cheese. One cup of each has about 25 grams of protein. I will also add my protein powder (make sure it is LOW carbs) if I need the extra protein, making a little over a cup of ‘pudding’ with over 50 grams of protein!!

You could also skip the chocolate and use strawberries or blueberries and blend it up, again, adding protein powder seriously amps the protein grams.

I have also added caramel extract to the chocolate version, or natural peanut butter or defatted peanut flour, all depending on my nutrient needs for the day.

Let me know if you have any questions.


I Love Her and Her Body, All Squishy and Soft . . .

believe god loves me 2

Don’t get me wrong, I am enjoying the fat loss, the smaller sizes, feeling stronger and lifting heavier and heavier things. But the thing is, God has brought me to a place where I just love me, my body, with all its perceived ‘flaws’, bumps and squishiness. (I say ‘perceived’ because who says there is one ideal anyway?) He brought me to a place where I could look in the mirror, startlingly naked and feel nothing but pride, love and admiration. This human body of ours really is a wonderful and amazing creation and when we get our eyes off of what Hollywood or the magazines say is beautiful we can begin to see the incredible design and beauty in what God has created. Yes, amid all the squishy blubber and yet remaining body fat, stretch marks and hangy-down skin. (not that I don’t pursue greater health and strength)

When God began to heal and deliver me from the lies of my value and beauty having anything whatsoever with how I looked the chains fell away and joy was restored to my heart.

I used to cringe if someone touched the back of my arms or I saw their eyes quickly dart away from my outstretched arm. I knew what they saw, I saw it too. Hangy-down skin, stretch marks and fat. I realized just how deep the healing has been, when just the other day, in a tank top, I noticed someone looking at my arm. It was positioned in a way to sort of squish the extra skin and stretch marks forward, probably not so appealing. I smiled the biggest smile. You know why? Because not even for a nanosecond did I cringe, feel shame or embarrassment. I have learned my ‘body’ is not the real me!! I live in this body, but it is NOT ME.

Another thing I realized recently is that I look in our bathroom mirror at my reflection! I mean, our mirror is directly opposite our shower. You throw open the shower curtain, and unless you divert your eyes, which I am THE master at, you see yourself, in all your glory. I don’t look away anymore. I actually stop and appreciate what I see. I see a smaller waist or stronger legs. I also see an upside down ‘T” C-section scar with squishy on all sides of it, stretch marks everywhere. I see a belly that will never reveal six pack abs (trust me, not even a goal) but did carry nine amazing living souls.  But guess what?? I feel no shame, no wincing, no sense of a hideous sight. Nope, I see a strong woman, with battle scars and soft and squishy. A woman who loves and gives. A woman who is adored by her husband and has been, no matter her level of squishy. Oh, had I listened to him and saw myself through his eyes years ago. A woman who has been given SO much, forgiven so much, LOVED so much, all of which have nothing to do with her body shape, size, or body fat level.

Does this mean I don’t have goals of becoming stronger, healthier, closer to what is an optimal body fat level for MY body, health, age, etc.? Not at all, I do have goals. But the really cool thing? The motivation behind following after my goals is from a place of peace and acceptance. Acceptance, peace and love by my Father, who while He desires health and good things for my life, is not in the least concerned about the size of my clothing, but is concerned with my heart.  Do I believe He smiles over me when I accomplish something I set my heart to? Yep, I actually do believe He does. Once His love goes deep and our value and worth is based on what Christ did, the motivation comes easier, I think. When we realize just how ‘worth it’ we are, making wise choices and loving ourselves becomes easy. You nourish those you love. You feed well those you love. You take care of those you love. When you love YOU, you take care of yourself.

All this is not to say I don’t still struggle with flesh and blood and that the enemy comes with the same old lies, but I know the truth. I am loved and accepted and valuable, not because of my size or the food I eat, but because of what Christ did for me. I am not made righteous by my food choices or how much I exercise, but by the blood of Christ.

When we find our value and worth in Christ taking care of the ‘vehicle’ He has loaned to us becomes and enjoyable thing. Not a punishment, not a difficult task, but a joy and delight. You are worth it!! So worth it!

I am a work in progress, God is not done with me yet!! I am painfully aware of this fact. But the work He has begun, He is faithful to finish. I strive to rest in His love at all stages.

You are blessed, chosen, holy, loved, accepted, worthy, righteous, forgiven and made alive and seated with Him in heavenly places!! If you know Jesus, this is who you are. Right now. At this size. At this level of ‘health’. There is nothing you need to add to or can take away from what He has done for you and absolutely nothing you can do to make Him love you more or be more pleased with you.

Let your journey to health begin with, or at the very least, include diving headfirst into His love and His Word to find out who you really are and just how incredibly valuable you are! I always know when I am getting ‘off the rails’ in my thinking, it is because I have lost sight of what HE says about me.


#soworthit Boot Camp Session One

We are offering a 4 week Get Started Boot Camp!!
*Introductory Price, $10 a session
*Includes weekly ‘homework’
*All levels welcome
*Dates: Saturday, July 11, 18, 25 and Aug. 1
*@ 9:00 AM, here at The Barn.

Note, each week will be challenging, but geared toward YOUR level of fitness. Do NOT let lack of fitness stop you from coming. I will help you at your level!! We ALL start somewhere, and there is NO shame in whatever level you are at.

Please email me with questions or for more details.


boot camp photo


Homemade Bone Broth/Stock

Homemade Chicken Stock or Bone Broth is incredibly healthy and super easy to make. A five minute search of the internet and you will find a multitude of health and healing benefits.

We have been making our own for years now, and nothing can compare. I keep it in the freezer in small containers for when need I just a cup or two as well as gallon bags for big batches of soup. Sadly, with our family size, I need to supplement with Kirkland organic chicken stock. I can’t keep us supplied, especially in the winter.

Some of the benefits from home made bone broth include.

  • Very healing for leaky gut syndrome
  • Helps with joint health
  • Boosts immune system
  • Improves digestion
  • Supplies minerals and nutrients that are easy to digest
  • And so much more


My grandma’s chicken soup could cure anything! I am sure of it. I giggled when I read this quote from Sally Fallon,


“Science validates what our grandmothers knew. Rich homemade chicken broths help cure colds. Stock contains minerals in a form the body can absorb easily—not just calcium but also magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur and trace minerals. It contains the broken down material from cartilage and tendons–stuff like chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine, now sold as expensive supplements for arthritis and joint pain.”

There are three different ways I have made it. If you have either a crock pot, big pot or pressure cooker, you are in luck.  I prefer a pressure cooker, as I am usually in a hurry and you can get a very quick, rich stock with it.  A crockpot also makes a very concentrated stock, you can let it simmer for hours, days, even, if you want to. The traditional method would be in a big pot, which is just fine. There is something so ‘homey’ about a bit pot of stock simmering on the stove all day!

I always and only use organic chicken carcasses, as I am going to be simmering every last ounce of goodness out of it and I do not want a concentrated, non-organic, chemical cesspool. Sorry, maybe a little dramatic. If you do not have access to organic chicken bones, just buy organic chicken stock from Costco.

We make a whole roast chicken dinner each week. Typically, our Winner Winner Chicken Dinner on Sundays.  After we have eaten the chicken and picked the bones clean (no where near as clean as my grandma could pick a chicken, I assure you) I either bag them and freeze them for a later stock making day or use one of the following methods immediately. If you only use one chicken for a meal, it might be better to wait until you have a few carcasses saved. We eat two birds for a meal. The more bones, the richer the stock.

Chicken Bone Broth/Stock


  • Organic Chicken Carcasses (meat picked and used for meals, salads, etc.
  • Washed carrots, with ends cut off,
  • Celery, cleaned and rough chopped, leaves and all (here is where I use the outsides of the celery stalks, the not so pretty ones)
  • Onion, large, peeled and cut into quarters
  • Peppercorns, optional
  • 1-2 T of salt. (I prefer to salt it to taste after it cooks, but like a little in for the cooking process)
  • Water

Pressure Cooker:

Put all ingredients into pressure cooker, no more than 2/3 full and put it on ‘full whack’ until it starts hissing at you. Turn it down to a dull roar and let it go as long as you like, but at least an hour. Know that if you let it go for 3-4 hours you will likely have the most intense, concentrated bone broth that you have ever had. I have no idea how long I let it go, it changes all the time. I do know, after an hour or so, it is decent broth, but go longer if you can. If you don’t use your pressure cooker often, perhaps you should consult the owner’s manual instead of trying to discern what ‘full whack’ and ‘dull roar’ means for your model.

Crock Pot/Slow Cooker:

Put all ingredients in the slow cooker and enough water to cover, upwards of 3/4 full or even more, if you dare. I put it in the garage overnight, as I don’t love the house smelling of bone broth all night. I have let it go for over 24 hours. Twelve (ish) hours is just fine. I start it out on high and then turn it down to low once it really gets simmering. If I needed it done in 6-8 hours, I would keep it on high the whole time.

Large Pot:

Fill a large stock pot or dutch oven with all ingredients, bring to simmer and let simmer for at least 8 hours. The longer the better.

When simmering is done, let cool for a bit and then strain into mason jars. I like to put them in the fridge over night and in the morning scoop off the fat before portioning and freezing. Not that the fat isn’t good for you, it is. I just don’t love it. Some use the skimmed fat to sauté with. If all went swimmingly and you let it cook long enough, you will likely have some degree of gelatinous yumminess in your jars.



Warming up a small portion for my after bike ride replenishment.

If it is not super firm, it does not mean you did it wrong or that it has no health benefits. It probably just means you had more water and is a less concentrated version. I end up almost adding equal amounts of water to ‘water’ my broth down, it is that strong. Mostly I do this to save on space and I totally get all geeked when it it looks like finger Jell-O !

That’s it! Really is super easy. Next time I make it, I will video tape so you can see just how easy it is. Any questions? Just ask! I know I get all rambly and may not have been clear. I’d love to hear if you tried it.






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